Imagine living with domestic violence and having to deal with the additional challenges of being an immigrant... It's not easy!
According to the Institut de la santé publique du Québec, immigrant women have a particular situation that can, in certain cases, put them at greater risk of experiencing domestic violence.

But why?
First of all, arriving in a new country with exposure to new values can add to the dynamics of domestic violence experienced by immigrant women.
Second, the LANGUAGE BARRIER can make it more difficult for immigrant women to access services.
**It is useful to know that in the case of legal procedures, there is the possibility of having access to interpreters in the mother tongue. Also, several organizations offer services in several languages and are adapted to the reality of immigrant women, such as the Bouclier d'Athéna. Services are available through Sos violence conjugale at 1800-363-9010.
The process of integration into the host society may also mean that immigrant women are not always aware of the resources available. The isolation factor caused by the recent arrival in the country must also be taken into account. Furthermore, immigrant women sometimes find themselves in a situation of economic dependence on their spouse.
Finally, there may also be a lack of recognition of the rights guaranteed by Canadian law.
Here's what you need to know if you think you are experiencing domestic violence:
1- You can call at any time, confidentially (24 hours a day): Sos violence conjugale: 1-800-363-9010
2- There is free emergency shelter available for victims of domestic violence and their children.
To access a shelter, you can call, among others, Sos violence conjugale (24h/24h confidential) 1-800-363-9010, Maison Flora Tristan 514-939-3463 or Bouclier d'Athéna 514-274-8117.
3- Everyone has the right to physical and psychological integrity.
4- It is forbidden to use force against a person, to throw objects at them, to threaten them, to force them to have sexual relations, to prevent them from going out, etc.
5- If you are a victim of domestic or sexual violence, you can access free legal services in child custody and criminal law by calling "Rebâtir" at 1-833-Rebatir.
6- You can have access to psychological support for you and your children and assistance in your efforts by calling: Sos violence conjugale 1-800-363-9010