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Sarah-Maude Landriault

Gender Equality | Teaching Children

Educating our children and youth: it takes a village.

And yes, it is said that it takes a village to educate a child, because everyone around you can have a role to play.

Whether you are a teacher in an early childhood center, a grandmother/grandfather, an uncle/aunt, a mom/dad, an older brother/sister, etc., we all have a role to play with our children. We all have a role to play with children.

Did you know that teaching children about gender equality starts in elementary school?

Experts agree that it is during childhood that values related to equality or gender stereotypes begin to take hold.

And teaching equality to children = preventing domestic violence

Indeed, teaching equality to children is one of the best ways to prevent domestic violence in adulthood. All the more reason to start now!

But where to start?

Here are some FREE ideas to help you talk about equality with your children:

1- Bring the whole family to our UNA (Uniting Our Action) for Equality event. This is an event that is primarily for youth and their families!

Date: September 17, 2022 from 5pm to 9pm.

Location: Pointe-aux-Trembles Youth Centre at 1575 Bd du Tricentenaire.

On the menu: Free food, raffle, kiosks from local organizations, showing of a zinevideo made by the girls participating in the socio-artistic program, various artistic performances and other surprises.

2- Come and walk with your children in our annual Walk against domestic and sexual violence.

Date: September 17, 2022 at 3pm

Departure point: Parking lot of the Roussin Community Center at 12125 Notre-Dame Street East

Arrival point: Pointe-aux-Trembles Youth Centre at 1575 Tricentenaire Blvd.

As a bonus, children are invited to shout, sing, make music and make all the noise they want by bringing pots, sticks, musical instruments, etc.

To GO... Let's make some noise for the cause!

3- Watch an equality video made for kids.

With a little movie (and popcorn🍿), it's always easier to get kids to be aware of boy-girl stereotypes that may be lurking in their relationships with friends or at school!

Here are some video ideas:

Suggested discussion after the video presentation:

  • Can a girl become a firefighter and a boy a nurse? Why or why not? Do you know people who do these jobs?

  • Do you know any stereotypes (preconceived notions) about boys and girls?

  • Have you ever been forbidden to participate in a game or activity because you were a boy or a girl? What activity?

  • What inequalities do you see between boys and girls at school? In your activities?

Suggested discussion afterwards:

  • Do you know any dads who have ever taken paternity leave to care for their child after birth?

  • Why do we say that the masculine gender prevails over the feminine in the French language?

  • Are there such things as boys' and girls' games? Can you name some examples?

3- And why? - Short film on sexism and equality between girls and boys

Suggested discussion afterwards:

  • Are boys allowed to cry? Boys: Have you ever cried?

  • Do you know of any other insults or not-so-nice words that are used to denigrate boys, but insult girls at the same time?

  • On the playground, where are the girls? Where are the boys?

  • Are there things at school or in your family that girls or boys can't do?

4- Share the interactive texting game with your teens t's not violent of Sos violence conjugale.

This game invites young people to respond to interactive text messages as if it were their boyfriend or girlfriend talking to them. This allows them to test whether or not the conversation seems violent.

How do you talk about equality with the children and youth in your life?

Tell us in the comments!

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